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The Sunflower Show 2022

Erin Hanson releases a new collection of oil paintings for art collectors and fans a few times every year. In 2022, Hanson released "The Sunflower Show." This sunflower collection includes paintings of cut flowers in vases, wildflower blooms, and cultivated fields of sunflowers. Hanson has been an avid fan of impressionism since she was a young child when she experienced Van Gogh’s painting Irises and discovered that a painting could be more colorful than nature. Van Gogh’s works, as well as paintings of other early impressionists and post-impressionists, have shaped and fueled Hanson’s ambition to flood the world with natural beauty as seen through the lens of impressionism.

Erin Hanson releases a new collection of oil paintings for art collectors and fans a few times every year. In 2022, Hanson released "The Sunflower Show." This sunflower collection includes paintings of cut flowers in vases, wildflower blooms, and cultivated fields of sunflowers. Hanson has been an avid fan of impressionism since she was a young child when she experienced Van Gogh’s painting Irises and discovered that a painting could be more colorful than nature. Van Gogh’s works, as well as paintings of other early impressionists and post-impressionists, have shaped and fueled Hanson’s ambition to flood the world with natural beauty as seen through the lens of impressionism.


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