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Paintings of Saguaro National Park

The saguaro is likely the most recognizable symbol of the American West. However, before it became a symbol of western art, these cacti were considered part of the tribe to local peoples. Painting a saguaro is much like painting a portrait. Each cactus is unique in itself, and this individuality has been recognized both by visitors to Saguaro National Park as well as western landscape artists. Maynard Dixon, Edgar Payne, and Erin Hanson have all painted these incredible cacti, depicting their abstract shapes and unique curves with paint and brush.

The saguaro is likely the most recognizable symbol of the American West. However, before it became a symbol of western art, these cacti were considered part of the tribe to local peoples. Painting a saguaro is much like painting a portrait. Each cactus is unique in itself, and this individuality has been recognized both by visitors to Saguaro National Park as well as western landscape artists. Maynard Dixon, Edgar Payne, and Erin Hanson have all painted these incredible cacti, depicting their abstract shapes and unique curves with paint and brush.


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