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Whether crimson, vermilion, cardinal or scarlet, red has a long and rich history in art. Van Gogh famously employed red lead in many of his pieces and later Matisse convinced his friend Renoir to use cadmium red, which the Impressionist first resisted, but was ultimately enchanted with. The raw and vibrant energy of red, and its effect upon viewers, is known well to Erin Hanson who does not shy away from its bold application and emotional impact.
Whether crimson, vermilion, cardinal or scarlet, red has a long and rich history in art. Van Gogh famously employed red lead in many of his pieces and later Matisse convinced his friend Renoir to use cadmium red, which the Impressionist first resisted, but was ultimately enchanted with. The raw and vibrant energy of red, and its effect upon viewers, is known well to Erin Hanson who does not shy away from its bold application and emotional impact.