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Paintings with Greens

The Impressionists were well known for their use of complementary colors to bring depth to an object and create shadows in their paintings. This technique of placing complementary colored brush strokes side-by-side would imbue life to an object. They sought to capture not only the essence of what they were looking at but the general mood and atmosphere as well. Green, whether used to complement other colors or as the primary focus in a verdant landscape, is a principal hue in many of the works of Erin Hanson. Green can be used as a backdrop to make other colors pop -- like a brilliant sky peeking between branches or rows of cadmium yellow autumn vines interspersed with apple-green grass.

The Impressionists were well known for their use of complementary colors to bring depth to an object and create shadows in their paintings. This technique of placing complementary colored brush strokes side-by-side would imbue life to an object. They sought to capture not only the essence of what they were looking at but the general mood and atmosphere as well. Green, whether used to complement other colors or as the primary focus in a verdant landscape, is a principal hue in many of the works of Erin Hanson. Green can be used as a backdrop to make other colors pop -- like a brilliant sky peeking between branches or rows of cadmium yellow autumn vines interspersed with apple-green grass.

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