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Paintings of France

Erin Hanson traveled to France to follow in the footsteps of the Impressionists and see the landscapes and vistas they painted. She started out in Paris, visiting many of the parks the early impressionists and post-impressionists were inspired to paint. Then she took a river boat along the Seine River, stopping in Giverny to see Monet's Garden and Rouen to see "Monet's" cathedral, and ending in Le Havre and Etretat. From the cliffs of Normandy, she traveled south to the vineyards of Bordeaux and found the water lily farm that supplied Monet with his water lilies, still in business breeding hundreds of varieties of water lilies. From Bordeaux she traveled east through Provence, exploring the different places van Gogh lived, from Arles to Saint-Remy-de-Provence, where she saw his room in the asylum. She visited Aix-en-Provence, where Cezanne lived, and saw the mountain he painted so many times, from the very park Cezanne stood in and painted. Erin next visited the high plateaus of eastern Provence, where the lavender and sunflower fields grow against the dramatic backdrop of the Swiss Alps. The trip ended in the warm Mediterranean winds of the French Riviera. Erin woke up before dawn each day, catching the golden hour and sunset hours as she moved across France. Needless to say, Erin acquired a lifetime of inspiration from her trip, and you can see the paintings she created here.

Erin Hanson traveled to France to follow in the footsteps of the Impressionists and see the landscapes and vistas they painted. She started out in Paris, visiting many of the parks the early impressionists and post-impressionists were inspired to paint. Then she took a river boat along the Seine River, stopping in Giverny to see Monet's Garden and Rouen to see "Monet's" cathedral, and ending in Le Havre and Etretat. From the cliffs of Normandy, she traveled south to the vineyards of Bordeaux and found the water lily farm that supplied Monet with his water lilies, still in business breeding hundreds of varieties of water lilies. From Bordeaux she traveled east through Provence, exploring the different places van Gogh lived, from Arles to Saint-Remy-de-Provence, where she saw his room in the asylum. She visited Aix-en-Provence, where Cezanne lived, and saw the mountain he painted so many times, from the very park Cezanne stood in and painted. Erin next visited the high plateaus of eastern Provence, where the lavender and sunflower fields grow against the dramatic backdrop of the Swiss Alps. The trip ended in the warm Mediterranean winds of the French Riviera. Erin woke up before dawn each day, catching the golden hour and sunset hours as she moved across France. Needless to say, Erin acquired a lifetime of inspiration from her trip, and you can see the paintings she created here.


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