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Paintings of Big Bend National Park

Texas's Big Bend National Park is right on the border of the lone star state and Mexico. That makes it sound like a desolate place, but instead, it is filled with diverse and colorful flora and fauna throughout the park. Erin Hanson visited in the spring and was delighted to find a vast land replete with wildflowers, limestone canyons, flowing waterways, and one of her favorite subjects, the ocotillo. Each piece in Hanson's Big Bend collection shares her impressionistic view of the Texas landscape. Her bold use of color and unique painting technique brings out the spring hues of Texas. Many of these paintings were on display during her solo exhibition at The Museum of the Big Bend in 2018.

Texas's Big Bend National Park is right on the border of the lone star state and Mexico. That makes it sound like a desolate place, but instead, it is filled with diverse and colorful flora and fauna throughout the park. Erin Hanson visited in the spring and was delighted to find a vast land replete with wildflowers, limestone canyons, flowing waterways, and one of her favorite subjects, the ocotillo. Each piece in Hanson's Big Bend collection shares her impressionistic view of the Texas landscape. Her bold use of color and unique painting technique brings out the spring hues of Texas. Many of these paintings were on display during her solo exhibition at The Museum of the Big Bend in 2018.


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